Embracing innovation and leveraging technology are at the forefront of our mission to drive digital transformation and sustainable development across Sudan. This page outlines our strategic approach to fostering innovation, key priority areas, and the initiatives we are implementing to advance technological solutions and digital transformation.

Innovation is a key driver of progress and sustainable development. We commit to encouraging creative thinking and developing innovative solutions to existing challenges and seizing available opportunities in Sudan. We foster a supportive environment for innovation that enables creative minds to offer new ideas that improve the quality of life and promote economic growth.

Our efforts align with Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9), which focuses on building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation. 

Our Approach

At Sudan Policy Advisory Group, we believe that innovation is the key to unlocking Sudan’s potential and addressing its most pressing challenges. Our approach involves deploying cutting-edge technologies, fostering a culture of innovation, and promoting digital literacy to ensure that all Sudanese can benefit from the digital revolution. By integrating innovative solutions into various sectors, we aim to enhance efficiency, improve service delivery, and create new economic opportunities.

Key Priority Areas

1. Digital Infrastructure Development: Developing robust digital infrastructure is essential for enabling digital transformation. We focus on expanding internet connectivity, improving digital access in rural areas, and building the necessary infrastructure to support advanced technologies.

2. E-Government Services: Implementing e-government services can significantly enhance the efficiency and transparency of public administration. Our initiatives aim to digitize government services, making them more accessible and user-friendly for citizens and businesses alike.

3. Technology in Education: Integrating technology into the education system is crucial for preparing the next generation for the digital economy. We support initiatives that provide digital tools and resources to schools, train teachers in technology use, and promote online learning platforms.

4. Innovation Hubs and Incubators: Fostering innovation requires creating environments where new ideas can flourish. We are establishing innovation hubs and incubators to support startups, entrepreneurs, and researchers in developing and scaling innovative solutions.

5. Digital Literacy and Skills Training: Ensuring that all Sudanese have the skills needed to thrive in a digital world is a top priority. We offer digital literacy programs and skills training workshops to empower individuals with the knowledge and competencies required for the digital age.


  • Public-Private Partnerships: We recognize the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors in driving digital transformation. We actively seek partnerships with technology companies, academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations to leverage their expertise and resources.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging with local communities is essential for ensuring that our initiatives meet the needs of the people. We conduct community consultations and workshops to gather input and tailor our programs to local contexts.
  • Pilot Projects and Scaling: Our approach includes implementing pilot projects to test innovative solutions on a small scale before scaling them up. This allows us to refine our strategies and ensure their effectiveness before widespread implementation.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: To ensure the success of our initiatives, we implement continuous monitoring and evaluation processes. This involves setting clear objectives, measuring progress, and making necessary adjustments to improve outcomes.
  • Research and Development: We invest in research and development to explore new technologies and innovative solutions. This includes supporting research initiatives, funding innovation projects, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Key Initiative

Sudan Digital Transformation Initiative

The Sudan Digital Transformation Initiative (SDTI) is our flagship program dedicated to advancing digital innovation and technology adoption across the country. The SDTI encompasses a range of projects and activities designed to foster a digital ecosystem that supports economic growth, social development, and improved governance.

SDTI Objectives:

  • Expanding Digital Access: The SDTI focuses on bridging the digital divide by expanding internet connectivity and providing digital access to underserved communities.
  • Promoting E-Government Services: Through the SDTI, we are working to digitize key government services, making them more efficient, transparent, and accessible to citizens.
  • Supporting Digital Education: The SDTI aims to enhance the education system by integrating digital tools and resources, promoting online learning, and training educators in technology use.
  • Fostering Innovation Ecosystems: The SDTI supports the establishment of innovation hubs and incubators, providing resources and mentorship to startups and entrepreneurs.
  • Enhancing Digital Literacy: The SDTI includes digital literacy programs and skills training workshops to equip individuals with the competencies needed for the digital economy.

Innovation is the key to unlocking Sudan’s potential and driving sustainable development. At SPAG, we are committed to deploying innovative solutions and leveraging technology to advance digital transformation across the country. Through initiatives like the Sudan Digital Transformation Initiative, we are fostering a digital ecosystem that supports economic growth, social development, and improved governance. By investing in digital infrastructure, promoting e-government services, enhancing digital education, and fostering innovation, we are paving the way for a brighter, more connected future for Sudan.

We invite you to join us in this mission. Together, we can harness the power of innovation and technology to build a prosperous and sustainable Sudan. For more information about our work and how you can get involved, please visit our What We Do page and explore our Strategic Planning and Capacity Building initiatives.